Thursday, October 30, 2008

Why We Need 60 Votes in the Senate

The Republicans's goal was to filibuster and block everything the Democrats sought to do since 2006, when they technically received a "majority" of one in the U.S. Senate. That "majority" of one vote comes down to Joe Lieberman, who caucuses with the Democratic Party.

We need 60 votes to change that. It is not just about Obama. He won't be able to get a thing done without 60 votes in the senate.

Remember the "nuclear" option?


Let these bastards fail.

WT*? Banks to Continue Paying Dividends

Change cannot come too soon. Remember the bailout? Apparently, banks plan to give away one-half of the bailout to their shareholders in the form of dividends.

The banks only defense? They said they would not have "accepted" the voluntary bailout if shareholders were not compensated.

How did they calculate dividends? Without the bailout, there was no money, period. Or so we were told.

Can you say, "Great Brinks Robbery?"

Obama - He Has Enough to Win - IF YOU VOTE!!!

Dennis Prager: Equality ‘Is A European Value, Not An American Value’

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Republican Election Fraud Nationwide

Drinking the ACORN Kool-Aid: How Cries of Voter Fraud Cover Up GOP Elections Theft

Read this story.

Voter Fraud v. ELECTION FRAUD - they are not the same.

While Republicans distract the public with their cries about voter fraud and ACORN, they are stealing the election via ELECTION FRAUD by purging millions nationwide from registration rolls.

The Republican attacks against ACORN are nothing more a diversion designed to take your eyes off their massive purging of the voter registration rolls nationwide.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains the Republican Cover-up. No American should miss this lesson in "truth, justice, and the American way." NOT!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Confusing North Carolina Ballot Leaves off Votes for President

Michele Bachmann Loses Support of Minnesota Newspapers

Payback. It couldn't happen to a nicer lady. Joe McCarthy-wannabe, Michele Bachmann, blew a sure re-election when she opened her mouth on "Hardball" and revealed just how stupid she really is. Now both large newspapers are endorsing her opponent, Elwyn Tinklenberg.

The St. Cloud Times, Michele Bachmann's hometown paper is baling on her.

So is The Star Tribune, the newspaper serving Minneapolis and St. Paul.

From The Star Tribune editorial, "Bachmann has little to show for her two years in office -- three minor bills, one of which recognized the state's 150th birthday."

DNC taps $10 million line of credit to boost House, Senate gains

The Politico writes, "The goal: To take advantage of what is shaping up to be a Democratic wave by picking up as many seats as possible, giving the party a massive governing majority and making it more difficult for the GOP to recapture power in future cycles."

Who Were Those "Contractor Buddies" Again, Todd?

Senator Stevens's conviction on seven felony counts for lying about $250,000 in undisclosed "gifts" received from "friends" has a very familiar ring to it. Read the story and then contrast with the new home built by Todd Palin and his "contractor" buddies.

Someone ask Sarah and Todd Palin to name those "buddies." Forget TrooperGate. We want immediate answers on HOUSEGATE!

Feds disrupt skinhead plot to assassinate Obama

Follow link to read the whole story.

Two Nazi-Skinheads in Tennessee allegedly plotted to kill Senator Barack Obama, as well as 88 black people on a nationwide killing spree. Their plot was discovered and they were arrested by ATF agents.

The two alleged losers are Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn., and Paul Schlesselman 18, of Helena-West Helena, Ark. "Cowart apparently never graduated from high school."

"An ATF affidavit filed in the case says Cowart and Schlesselman told investigators the day they were arrested they had shot at a glass window at Beech Grove Church of Christ, a congregation of about 60 black members in Brownsville, Tenn."

Gas Prices in Ohio Fall Below $2 In Time To Influence Elections

Sure it's the economy. Sure it is drop in demand. I ain't buying into the lies. Before I read the article, I asked myself just what areas would have the cheapest gas? I told myself, "the swing states."

Lo and behold, OHIO is below $2.00. Now isn't that a surprise?

Check out this map. Gas prices appear to be highest in BLUE STATES!

Phony Virginia Flier Tells Dems To Vote November 5

Indiana Callers for McCain Walk Off Job Protesting Attack on Obama

About 40 employees from a calling center in Indiana walked off their jobs rather than read a McCain attack ad (can you say, "McCain Lie?") claiming Obama was soft on crime and did not protect children.

They refused to read it and walked out the door. Read whole story above.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Republicans cross the aisle to endorse Obama

Former GOP senator, vet backs Obama

Bankrupt Wealth Politics

The Party of Yesterday

Who Is The Socialist, Sarah Palin?

The New Yorker took a look at Palin's calling Obama a socialist. The New Yorker came to the conclusion that Palin more closely resembled the label. When asked about life in Alaska, Palin said,

"we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs." Compare that to Palin's and McCain's accusations against Senator Barack Obama.

The Republicans are pathetic people.

Obama's Election Is Referendum On Conservatives

Obama's election signals a major shift in the American people. They have been lied to so many times, and have been the victim of so many Republican crimes, that this time America is set to give them the boot from office once and for all.

The Republican Party will never recover. Mark my words.

Most Republicans are running on Reaganomics v. Liberalism. We've already seen the result of 30 years of Reaganomics. The worst is yet to come. Reagan will finally get what he deserves. Kharma is a bitch.

Republican Senator Stevens Found Guilty of Seven Felonies

Governor Sarah Palin was his buddy. She has yet to call for his resignation, or to call for him to bow out of the senate race. Stevens's 40 years in the senate is longer than any other senator now serving.

Good choice of friends, Governor Palin.

Financial Times Endorses OBAMA!

"US presidential elections involve a fabulous expense of time, effort and money. Doubtless it is all too much – but, by the end, nobody can complain that the candidates have been too little scrutinised. We have learnt a lot about Barack Obama and John McCain during this campaign. In our view, it is enough to be confident that Mr Obama is the right choice."

Read their whole story.

Beware GOP In State Races - Don't Let It Happen

Knowing the Republican Party is dead on a national level, the GOP still thinks it can make gains on the local level.

Do not let that happen. It is time to wipe the scourge of the Republican Party from the pages of American History. Make sure you support your local candidates with the same zeal expended for the national candidates.

See whole story above.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Alaska's Largest Newspaper Endorses OBAMA

"Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Sen. McCain."

Read the whole endorsement above.

Why We Never Vote Republican - Ever

The "Why We Vote" series.

Just 12 of 100,000 Simple Reasons Never to
Vote Republican in Your Lifetime:

Republicans LIED 935 TIMES to justify the illegal invasion/occupation of Iraq

Republicans LIED - CNN Jack Cafferty Blasts Bush for the 935 Republican Lies About the Their Campaign for War

Republicans LIED - Orchestrated Deception, Fraud, and Propaganda - The 935 Lies Study

Republicans LIED - the illegal war/occupation will cost the U.S. Five (5) Trillion Dollars.

Republicans LIED - Iraq had nothing to do with 911.

Republicans LIED - the illegal
invasion/occupation of Iraq was planned before 911.

Republicans LIED - the FIVE (5) TRILLION DOLLARS could have funded SOCIAL SECURITY FOR FIFTY (50) YEARS.

Republicans LIED - the illegally authorized Torture of Prisoners violates federal and international law.

Republicans LIED - they authorized illegal Spying On All Americans - a felony - BEFORE 9/11.

Republicans LIED - they outsourced America's jobs to systematically destroy America's middle class.

Republicans LIED - they destroyed the
U.S. ECONOMY and the value of the U.S. Dollar.
[note: this was
written before the crash]

Republicans LIED - How Republicans Get You to Vote Against Your Own Interests.


Cheney Loses - Court Ruled His Records Must Be Saved

Cheney needs to go to prison for the rest of his life. Does his desire to burn, shred, and otherwise delete, erase, and destroy records of his actions over the past eight years reflect a guilty mind?


Cheney even tried to claim his office was not part of the Executive Branch of our government in an effort to evade the records keeping laws applicable thereto. He really thinks the majority of Americans are stupid. Actually, only Republicans who watch FOX Entertainment and who listen to Limbaugh, Hannity, and Michael Savage, are stupid.

Leading historians called upon congress to strengthen laws to keep Bush and Cheney from burning all of their records as they head for the exit.?

Governor Sarah Palin echoed Cheney's beliefs about the powers of the vice-presidency. Her words obviously reflected the concerns of her Bush handlers, who thought they would use her initial popularity to lend aid to the soon-to-be-damned-unless-pardoned. Palin is Cheney-Lite. More of the same and just as dangerous in her own way.

Nixon's Lawyer Disputes McCain's War History

Reflections on Historian Mary Hershberger's Piece on McCain's War Record, and a Q&A with the Author

Read the interview between John W. Dean and Mary Hershberger, a world class historian, who delved into McCain's real war record. It should come as no surprise that her account is not the same as McCain's.

"Her research establishes that McCain has not been honest about his war record, a fact which speaks volumes: McCain is a man who so desperately wants to become president that he is deceiving Americans about his true record, and himself. Here are my questions to Mary, and her responses:" -- Read it.

Listen to the clip linked above to hear John Dean comment on all of the Bush Administration corruption.

Palin Backed By Big Oil in 2012? Shew-Betcha!

Talk about scary. Halloween is just around the corner, but it is hard to imagine anything scarier than Palin at the top of a 2012 run the White House. Big Oil's billions in profits backing her all of the way, supported by McCain's four (4) billion tax cut!

Time to nationalize those puppies as part of the Wall Street bail outs. Call it the Wall Street reforms. As long as the Republicans can propose and vote for a 700 billion dollar socialist bail out of the banks, taking the oil companies in the name of Robber-Baron anti-organized crime reform should be an easy sell. It would even be the patriotic thing to do.

Who was behind the push for an illegal war with Iraq? How many American lives and billions of public tax dollars did it take to make Iraq safe for Big Oil? Who engaged in secret "energy" meetings with Vice-President Cheney before the war? What industry more than any other has corrupted the political system in the United States?

The chief arguments against nationalization, other than its "un-American," are that nationalized oil companies tend to be inefficient, inept and corrupt.

Contrast and compare that argument with our reality above. A little less efficiency in raping the poor and the middle class at the pump could easily be tolerated. American workers are not inept. Just ask John McCain. Nothing can exceed Big Oil corruption today.

Nationalization corruption concerns in other countries involve the actual pocketing of the nation's resources by those in charge of the nationalized companies. Anyone see a difference? CEOs v. foreign leaders? Can you tell them apart?

At least those foreign nationalized oil companies are not in control of a super power advocating for the Project for The New American Century and the Bush Doctrine.

2008 Elections Cost 5.3 Billion

Do we know how to waste money, or what?

The presidential race will have cost up to $2.4 billion.

Time for public financing of elections to be adopted nationwide, with a return of the "Fairness Doctrine."

Palin Ethics Probe Expanded in Alaska By Personnel Board

The Troopergate ethics complaint Governor Palin sought to side-track by filing a separate ethics complaint could boomerang on her big time.

Palin filed a separate complaint against herself with a state Personnel Board. She retains the power to fire them. The ethics board surprised everyone by hiring its own special investigator, Tim Petumenos, a Democrat, who once contributed money to her political opponent.

Mr. Petumenos expanded his investigation to go beyond Troopergate. The investigation now includes other ethics complaints made against Palin, and it involves other officials, too.

Bush to Recognize Iran

"The Bush administration will announce in mid-November, after the presidential election, that it intends to establish the first U.S. diplomatic presence in Iran since the 1979-81 hostage crisis, according to senior Bush administration officials." See McClatchy Newspaper story linked above.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Palin Deposed in "Abuse of Power" Scandal

They finally got Governor Palin under oath on Troopergate. Notwithstanding her many protests that the tazering of her nephew played no roll in her request that her ex-brother-in-law be fired, she told a reporter she refers to the investigation as "Tazergate."

Get your lies straight, Governor.

The Alaskan legislature already decided Palin ". . .abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52 110(a)of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act."

Notwithstanding the finding, Palin continues to insist the legislature absolved her of any wrongdoing. Just another Palin lie. This woman cannot tell the truth on any subject.

Once she was selected to be the vice-presidential nominee, Palin refused to cooperate with the bi-partisan, mostly Republican, committee. She opted to report herself for a potential ethics violation to an ethics board, composed of persons she appointed.

NOTE: Palin can fire the board members for cause at any time.

But in a surprise move, the appointees hired a special prosecutor from New York, who may give Palin more fits than the legislature.

Troy Davis Deserves a New Trial - If Not Granted Will Be Executed

"Since his conviction, seven of the nine non-police witnesses have recanted their testimony, alleging police coercion and intimidation in obtaining their testimony. By coming forward and recanting, they face serious repercussions, possibly jail time. Some have identified a different man as the shooter. This man is one of Davis' remaining accusers."
. . .

"Among Davis' defenders is former President Jimmy Carter. He said: "This case illustrates the deep flaws in the application of the death penalty in this country. Executing Troy Davis without a real examination of potentially exonerating evidence risks taking the life of an innocent man and would be a grave miscarriage of justice." Georgia Congressman John Lewis also supports Davis."

McCain Staff Angry Paid "Volunteers" Exposed in Florida

You cannot believe a word uttered by the McCain campaign. Now it turns out their large number of "volunteers" in Florida are PAID. When a reporter began reporting on the issue, a campaign staffer threatened him with arrest.

Just the group you want in charge of the government. Pigs with no lipstick.

Palin Refuses to Condemn Domestic Terrorists Who Target Abortion Doctors

Let's face it. Governor Palin is so flawed she makes a great Republican. Spewing hypocrisy comes so naturally to her that you should expect to see her around for a while.

Gov. Palin supports domestic terrorism and anti-American activities. She lends aid, support, and comfort to those who seek the deaths of medical doctors who perform abortions, and she is married to a long time member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a well known anti-American group reported lower in this blog.

"Palin resisted the suggestion that if Ayers was a "domestic terrorist" -- a standard line in her campaign addresses -- then so were conservative religious activists who bombed abortion clinics.

"I don't know if you're going to use the word 'terrorist' there," she said."

Palin's Pipe Dream Pipeline Is Result of Flawed Bidding Process

The more Governor Palin is investigated, the more corruption is found. In this case, the pipeline that will never be built through Canada, appears to be the result of a highly flawed bidding process.

In the end, the only firm with ties to her administration was picked. Read the story above.

Check Out Global Electoral College - If The Rest of World Could Vote

Barack Obama leads John McCain by 9,009 to 278 in The Global Electoral College (GEC).

Check out a blue map of the world by following link above.

Bush Seeks to Illegally Interfere With Voting in Ohio

President Bush, acknowledged by American historians as the worst President EVER, seeks to solidify that opinion among the rest of the public by directing his personal attack dog, the Department of Justice, to interfere in the GOP attempt to purge 200,000 voters from the Ohio voter rolls.

"Jon Greenbaum of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, told the Post: 'This is taking the politicization of this to a new level.'"

Republicans Try to Cover Their Butts - Expect Tsunami

The circular firing squad is gathering even before election day, a rare treat for those of us tiring of the pus, slime, and lies being thrown around by the Republicans.

The end is near and they will soon all be put out of their misery. The following quote is from, and tells the tale:

"If you really want to see what ‘going negative’ is in politics, just watch the back-stabbing and blame game that we’re starting to see,” said Mark McKinnon, the ad man who left the campaign after McCain wrapped up the GOP primary. “And there’s one common theme: Everyone who wasn’t part of the campaign could have done better.”

“The cake is baked,” agreed a former McCain strategist. “We’re entering the finger-pointing and positioning-for-history part of the campaign. It’s every man for himself now.”

Follow the link to read the whole story.

Palin's Alaskan Independence Party Roots Showing - She Seeks Independence

Talk about the "clothes making the woman." The empowering $150,000.00 wardrobe, and the $52,000.00 in make-up has turned Governor Sarah Palin into a rampaging GOP elephant seeking to distance herself from the train wreck of the "straight talk express."

She can no longer be controlled by her handlers, and the Republicans are spending more time preparing to blame her for their woes than they are dreaming up more cold-war names to call Senator Barack Obama.

Republicans Fear Tsunami - Civil War Within GOP

More signs of the coming Tsunami. The tide is all running out to sea and the water is so shallow near shore that it is exposing Republican fears of a historic Obama landslide. Republicans fear Obama's landslide will unleash the dogs of civil war within the party.

"Senior Republicans believe John McCain is doomed to a landslide defeat, which will hand Barack Obama more political power than any president in a generation."

Hey, talk about a mandate. The mandate killed the Republican Party. Can you say, "November 4 - the day of the Republican Dead?" A day that will live on in infamy? Where were you the day the Republican Party died?

Where you the day Caribou Barbie went on a solo rampage insurgency?

Follow link in headline above.

AIG Bail-Out Billions Burning Holes In Its Pockets - Going Fast

AIG was given an $85 billion loan on Sept. 16 to avoid bankruptcy. This month AIG was given another $38 billion in credit to keep the firm from blowing the first loan too quickly.

AIG has $13 billion left of the first $85 billion, and $20 billion left of the $38 billion credit line.

A total of $33 billion left.

Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain/Palin Forever Tied to Race Baiting

McCain's legacy is starting to look worse than Bush's. Never thought I would ever come close to saying that, but there it is for all to see.

The country owes McCain a debt of gratitude for finally exposing the Republican Party, once and for all time.

McCain Campaign Pushed Racist Lie Story

It is hard to imagine a campaign more out of control than McCain's. Reporters now claim McCain's campaign actively pushed the lies told by a deranged McCain volunteer. She lied and claimed she was assaulted by a tall black man. Both McCain and Palin called to lend her support, looking for the next Joe the Plumber story.

Reporters also predict the McCain Campaign is dead if the story turned out to be a lie. Guess what?

Today the McCain volunteer admitted she LIED about the whole thing. But the damage was done. DRUDGE gave her lies a large color close-up of her made up injuries, and reported the story in a way that suggested an Obama campaign volunteer was behind the vicious attack lies. Drudge gave the story legs.

Everything wrong with America is reflected in the McCain/Palin campaign. The devisive nature of the ugly allegations will not soon be forgotten.

The Republican Party is dead.

Tucson Poet and Famous WWII Vet Endorsed Obama

Tucson poet and prominent World War II Womens Army Air Corp veteran, Mary Stirling, is one of the original members of White Grannies for Obama. Stirling said, "he's clearly the most qualified candidate. He's got my vote."

Stirling served in England during the Battle of Britain, and she served in St. Germain, France during the Battle of the Bulge. Stirling is an accomplished world traveler and resided in foreign countries for a great number of years, where she met and knew the diplomatic corps of many diverse nations. Chad Mitchell dropped in at her house for a recording session in Brazil. She also entertained United States Congressmen, foreign exchange groups from the former Soviet Union, Guinea Bisau, Ghana, Ireland, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Korea, South Vietnam, Togo, Zambia, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, England, and two foreign Presidents at her home.

Republicans Purge and Suppress Votes on Huge National Scale

US Interfering In El Salvador Elections Again?

CIPRES, the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, alleged U.S. Ambassador Charles Glazer admitted the U.S. meddled in the 2004 El Salvador elections. CIPRES fears the U.S. is already interfering in the January 2009 primaries and the March election.

No one in Latin America will soon forget the role the United States played in the 12 year civil war fought in El Salvador that ended in 1992. Who can forget the School of the Americas? We supplied funding, weapons, and the training of the right-wing military death squads. Remember the "desaparecidos?" The murdered and "disappeared" 80,000 victims of the death squads? The four raped and murdered American nuns? The assassinated Archbishop of El Salvador, Oscar Romero?

Remember John Negraponte's role? He was in El Salvador again in June trying to ratchet up the color-coded danger alert level, a tactic once effectively used against a duped American public.

El Salvadorans think Bush is trying to use his tried and true American scare tactics to influence the coming elections in El Salvador, according to CIPRES.

Negraponte alleged links exist between a popular El Salavdoran political party and Colombian rebels - FARC. After Negraponte's visit, Ambassador Glazer used another tactic made popular with Republicans in the fatherland. The old, "you are either for us, or against us" line. Overseas it goes like this, "Any group that collaborates or expresses friendship with the FARC is not a friend of the United States.”

CIPRES alleged Ambassador Glazer admitted the U.S. meddled in the 2004 El Salvador elections. He also claimed there would be no interference in the 2009 election.

Damage control is in full swing as U.S. authorities deny Glazer confirmed any U.S. interference in the 2004 election.

There is even a McCain connection. To ease concerns about U.S. meddling, two groups will be sent to monitor the elections, the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI). However, McCain and the IRI awarded El Salvadoran President Antonio Saca a "Freedom Award" last year, which CIPRES cites as an example of IRI bias.

El Salvador to the U.S.: "we don't want your stinking IRI."

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ten Ways to Steal The Election

A Mother Jones field guide to what the Republicans are doing now to steal this election.

Arm yourself with the facts. And it if looks like things were stolen this time, do something about it.

McClellan Endorsed Obama, Too

Scott McClellan, who blew the whistle on Bush and Cheney on PlameGate and the illegal invasion of Iraq, has endorsed Senator Barack Obama.

Follow The Money - It Isn't Where You Thought

Republicans are circling wagons trying to hold on to their traditional rodeo grounds, flags, lapel pins, and yellow magnets. But it looks like they are as good as done. Only counting coup remains. Get out your Papago shaleles, people!

Democrats have finally learned to milk the Internet for all its worth, which is plenty. Money is being pulled from Democratic races once considered tight and is being redirected to pound Republicans hunkered down inside the Reichstag. The end is near. Would that they were all honorable Samurai. Can you say, sayonara?

Avalanche! Tsunami! Tidal Wave! Move Over and Let Obama Take Over!

Here it comes, people! And I am not going out on a limb by any means. The world will love Americans again, but this time they will even like our government. Imagine that. When was the last time anyone liked our government? Including us? And I mean REALLY liked our government? History is about to be made. Make sure you are on the right side of it.

The early voters are putting up with lines as long as many would have encountered in election day voting. It is a good thing they are going early. If you have not done so yourself, DO IT NOW!

If you vote early, you get to party TWICE. Once on the day you actually vote early, and again on November 4, but without all of the stress. Just a pure party spirit. Hmmm? I predict a new baby boom in August 2009. To be called the Obama Boomers.

I predict there will be carnival in the streets of Rio de Janeiro if Obama wins!

Republicans Get Ready for A Tsunami

Internal GOP documents reveal they are preparing for the worst, possibly 58 seats lost in 2008 as a direct result of Republican incompetence, corruption, self-dealing, and no-bid cost-plus K-Street contracts to the base, not to mention the endless war crimes committed by the Bush Administration.

It all comes to an end January 20, 2008, when Bush and Cheney get frog-marched off the premises.

Obama Up By 11 Points Among Likely Voters

Twenty (20) percent of undecided voters [who are these undecided morons?] said General Colin Powell's endorsement caused them to finally become decided in favor of Obama.

Only four (4) percent of the low information voters said Powell's endorsement finally caused them to decide for McCain. Right. . .

As if Powell's endorsement could be anything but a tremendous benefit to a candidate. Those four (4) percent just happen to coincide with the percentage of the American population deemed retarded.

"Mental retardation occurs in 2.5-3% of the general population. About 6-7.5 million mentally retarded individuals live in the United States alone. Mental retardation begins in childhood or adolescence before the age of 18. In most cases, it persists throughout adulthood. A diagnosis of mental retardation is made if an individual has an intellectual functioning level well below average and significant limitations in two or more adaptive skill areas."

My diagnosis is complete. Ditto-heads.

Interactive Map of Republican Slime and Election Fraud

America should be ashamed of herself. At least, the Republican part should. Here is what they never taught you in school about so-called "truth, justice, and the REAL American way."

The link takes you to a map detailing the pus being spewed by the Republican Party in its last death throws. Picture Linda Blair in the movie the Exorcist. Ironic, the so-called "christians" amongst us spewing the most vile and reprehensible LIES.

On behalf of former altar boys everywhere, let me just say, "shame of you, John McCain." "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24

Wednesday, October 22, 2008



1. The polls may be wrong. This is an unprecedented election. No one knows how racism may affect what voters tell pollsters—or what they do in the voting booth. And the polls are narrowing anyway. In the last few days, John McCain has gained ground in most national polls, as his campaign has gone even more negative.

2. Dirty tricks. Republicans are already illegally purging voters from the rolls in some states. They're whipping up hysteria over ACORN to justify more challenges to new voters. Misleading flyers about the voting process have started appearing in black neighborhoods. And of course, many counties still use unsecure voting machines.

3. October surprise. In politics, 15 days is a long time. The next McCain smear could dominate the news for a week. There could be a crisis with Iran, or Bin Laden could release another tape, or worse.

4. Those who forget history... In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote after trailing by seven points in the final days of the race. In 1980, Reagan was eight points down in the polls in late October and came back to win. Races can shift—fast!

5. Landslide. Even with Barack Obama in the White House, passing universal health care and a new clean-energy policy is going to be hard. Insurance, drug and oil companies will fight us every step of the way. We need the kind of landslide that will give Barack a huge mandate.

If you agree that we shouldn't rest easy, please sign up to volunteer at your local Obama office by clicking here.

General Colin Powell Endorsed Barack Obama

It bears repeating that General Colin Powell last Sunday endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States.

Read the article linked above.

Well done, General. Your endorsement goes a long way towards rectifying your being used by Bush as a puppet on the world stage.

Video of Kennedy and Palast Explaining Election Fraud

Greg Palast and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explain their investigation of election fraud throughout the country.

Nineteen (19) percent of the voters in Colorado were wiped off of the voter list. Poof! Just gone. And they never seem to disappear in Republican parts of towns.

Do not be a low information voter. Watch the video and learn what the Republicans are doing to steal your vote and our elections.

How Bush Destroyed the Republican Party - Yeah!!!

The Bush Legacy: He destroyed the Republican Party.

Follow the link to see how he did it.

Illegal Wars of Aggression Are War Crime Number One

Bush was warned by lawyers that he and his administration could be prosecuted for war crimes for the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Bush was even warned by his own lawyers.

Illegal wars of aggression are now, and always have been, the number one war crime.

Why are illegal pre-emptive wars of aggression war crimes?

International Law on Wars of Aggression

"To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."

Judgment of the International Military Tribunal for the Trial of German Major War Criminals - Nuremberg, Germany, 1946

Principle I

Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and liable to punishment.

Principle II

The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for an act which constitutes a crime under international law does not relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under international law.

Principle III

The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law acted as Head of State or responsible Government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.

Principle IV

The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.

Principle V

Any person charged with a crime under international law has the right to a fair trial on the facts and law.

Principle Vl

The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under; international law:

1. Crimes against peace:

1. Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;

2. Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).

2. War crimes:

Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave-labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or illtreatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.

3. Crimes against humanity:

Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.

Principle VII

Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principles VI is a crime under international law.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ohio Under Attack By Republican Hackers

The Ohio Secretary of State's Office is under attack. Death threats, mysterious powder filled packages, and denial of service attacks are raging now. "Real Americans at work." Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, said their voter registration web site was the latest target of attack.

In 2004, the Ohio election was stolen by denial of service attacks on telephone lines used by Democrats to get out the vote. Denials of service attacks are felonies throughout the United States. Those responsible admitted their crimes and went to prison. See Allen Raymond's "How to Rig an Election - Confessions of a Republican Operative."

Read about the death threats being made.

Sarah Palin Lending Aid, Comfort, and Support to Enemies of America

Listen to Governor Sarah Palin address the radical domestic group of traitors known as the Alaskan Independence Party. Note: Palin is married to a known "former" seven year member, Todd Palin.

Don't tell me about Reverend Wright or Professor Ayers, Republicans!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote an article appearing in the Huffington Post, wherein he stated (read whole linked story):

"AIP's creation was inspired by the rabidly violent anti-Americanism of its founding father Joe Vogler, "I'm an Alaskan, not an American," reads a favorite Vogler quote on AIP's current website, "I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." According to Vogler AIP's central purpose was to drive Alaska's secession from the United States. Alaska, says current Chairwoman Lynette Clark, "should be an independent nation."

Vogler was murdered in 1993 during an illegal sale of plastic explosives that went bad. The prior year, he had renounced his allegiance to the United States explaining that, "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government." He cursed the stars and stripes, promising, "I won't be buried under their damned flag...when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home." Palin has never denounced Vogler or his detestable anti-Americanism."

See Founder Vogel's comments in a similar video. Note: Vogel was killed during a purchase of plastic explosives gone bad. Palin has been pallin' around with and sleeping with anti-American "real Americans."

The ACORN Voter Fraud HOAX

The Republican cry of ACORN voter fraud in New Mexico is falling apart. Follow the link to the Bradblog's story.

Obama Fought Back and Demanded Investigation of Fraudulent ACORN Voter Fraud Claim Made By McCain.

Senator Obama was ready this time and immediately fought back and demanded a special prosecutor investigate "the use of federal law enforcement apparatus to create 'an unholy alliance of law enforcement and the ugliest form of partisan politics.'"

Check out all of Bradblog's coverage of the fraudulent lies of McCain and the Republicans. McCain and the Republicans are flat out crooks who do not believe in your right to vote. They are actively stealing "real American votes" as you read this. They do not believe in democracy as we know it in America.

No wonder they could care less about Todd Palin being a member of a group of traitors calling themselves the Alaskan Independent Party.

"The AIP founder, Joe Vogler, made the comments in 1991, in an interview that's now housed at the Oral History Program in the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government," Vogler said in the interview, in which he talked extensively about his desire for Alaskan secession, the key goal of the AIP. [See full story at TalkingPointsMemo]

Letter from Congressman Robert Wexler

Dear Karen,

I saw it with my own eyes: The Bush and GOP machine stole the 2000 election and the presidency in Florida (not to mention Ohio in 2004) and the results have been catastrophic for our nation and the world.

Don't take my word for it - read the dissent of Supreme Court Justices Stevens, Breyer and Ginsberg in the absurd legal decision of Bush v. Gore: "Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year's Presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nation's confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law."

Back in 2000, in Florida, I witnessed the votes of World War II veterans thrown away and GOP thugs bully the Miami Dade elections office into stopping a recount. I swore to myself that never again would the votes of Americans be thrown away and replaced by the votes of appointed judges. Following the 2000 election, I spent 7 years fighting to remove the DIEBOLD electronic machines from Florida and to install a voter verified paper trail which we accomplished last year.

I have bad news: They are trying again to silence our votes.

Most people associate the 2000 election with paper "chads" and the Supreme Court's tragic decision. Yet the voter suppression in 2000 went way beyond not counting votes – from illegal roadblocks near minority precincts to the complete purging of legitimate voters from the rolls through what is called "voter caging" – the practice of using databases to improperly delete voters.

Now, we are seeing signs of voter caging again in both Michigan and Florida.

In Michigan, the state is using a list of foreclosures to purge voters (many of which are still legitimate voters in their districts).

In Florida, my home state, the Republican led Supervisor of Elections is aggressively applying a new law designed to limit voter fraud by summarily deleting voters who might have – as part of a clerical error – a different driver's license or social security number than was put in the database.

If legitimate, legal voters are denied access to the voting booth – we risk a repeat of 2000, in multiple states.

We must remain vigilant, not just in defense of our economy, but in defense of our rights as Americans.

I am working with my colleagues in Congress to call attention to this matter, but I encourage you to contact your state elections supervisor and demand that they allow every person who claims to be a legitimate voter to submit a provisional ballot.

There is a system in every state to deal with provisional ballots – to verify their legitimacy after the fact.

Voter caging is a threat to our (already challenged) democratic principals. Please join me and pass this email along to spread the word.

If you have not already signed up at, and would like to be on this list, please sign up today.


Congressman Robert Wexler

West Virginia Voting Machines Switching Obama Votes to McCain!

Where are foreign poll watchers when you need them?

The voting machines in West Virginia actually switched votes cast for Obama to votes for McCain, right before the eyes of the disbelieving voters!

Of course, the election officials tried to blame the voters. Right.

There are only 13 days left, people!

Vote now, vote early, and make sure all family and friends vote, too!!! The only way this election is stolen is if it is close enough for the Republicans to cry "Bradley Effect." There is no way white Democratic voters will defect. Without defecting white Democratic voters, there is no so-called Bradley Effect.

Just another Republican smoke screen red herring.

Republican ELECTION Fraud Underway

Election fraud across the nation is underway. Read the above linked article and see what can still be done about it. The swing states are particularly at risk.

Fight back and forward the linked story to all of your friends and relatives. Do not let Republicans get away with these crimes again.

In 2004 over 2.7 million voters voted and their ballots were thrown out. Go to and download the comic book put together by Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Greg Palast to see what you can do about it.

How much longer before people react?

The liberal corporate owned media is not reporting it.

Instead, they are preparing the public for the coup d'etat by talking about the non-existent Bradley Effect so they will have a publically acceptable explanation for the difference between the exit polls showing an Obama win, and the computerized voting machines programmed to steal yet a THIRD election.

How long before there is significant push-back? The time is now. Forward this article to all of your friends and family so they recognize what happened.

Senator Obama said there is no Bradley Effect. He is correct.

In order for such an effect to exist, it must result by definition from Democratic voters who refuse to vote for Obama. Ain't gonna happen, people! No white male Democrats will jump ship in favor of the weakest presidential ticket of all time.

The Great Colorado Voter Purge

The former Secretary of State of Colorado said 19.5% of registered voters in Colorado were removed from the voter registration lists in 2006.

30 Republican Scams To Steal Your Vote

By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Read the transcript and learn about the 30 different ways the Republicans plan to steal your vote.

Vote early to avoid any of the 30 ways. Take someone with you when you go.

Republican Convention Protestors Charged With Domestic Terrorism

Remember The Patriot Act? It is now being used to charge protestors as domestic terrorists.

That's right. Domestic terrorists. Eight members of the Republican National Convention Welcoming Committee were charged with Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism, a charge which potentially carries a 7.5 year prison sentence.

Who are the real terrorists here?

Palin Pulling Down Ticket Per Polls

"Fifty-five percent of respondents say she’s not qualified to serve as president if the need arises, up five points from the previous poll."

Click on the link to read the full NBC story.

The tsunami cometh!

Gov. Palin Accused of Discrimination Against Blacks in Alaska

We all know Governor Palin is an accomplished and polished liar. One only need watch her never ending lies about her opposition to the Bridge to No Where to know what I mean. She is a pathological liar, plain and simple.

So who do you believe about another local Alaska event? The mother-of-all liars Palin, or 14 black leaders in Alaska, who accused Palin of announcing she was not required to hire blacks, and of declaring that she did not intend to hire any blacks?

The 14 black leaders met with Palin to complain about her minority hiring practices. Among the black leaders were ministers, community activists, as well as representatives of the Alaska NAACP.

Palin has yet to tell the truth about anything. Literally everything she says is a lie. Just ask Keith Olbermann, who donated $100.00 to charity every time Palin told another lie. He counted out $3,700.00 on just one show. McCain and Palin are trying to simply lie their way into the White House. The Bridge to No Where, the selling of the governor's jet on Ebay for a profit, her trips to Ireland and Iraq, her brother-in-law she never tried to get fired, the ethics investigation that cleared her when the bi-partisan report clearly condemned her actions, and the list continues to grow with every speech. All lies. She reported she went to Mexico once, too, but it has not been fact-checked or confirmed.

So who do you believe? The 14 prominent black civic leaders in Alaska, or the mother-of-all-liars, who sleeps with a known member of the Alaskan Independence Party, by definition a traitor? Thought so.

Now Palin upped the ante and called Senator Obama a socialist, a terrorist, and a traitor, not a "real American."

Voters beware of the dynamic lying duo.

The tsunami cometh!


For Immediate Release: October 7, 2008 See story at .

ACORN Statement from Bertha Lewis, Interim Chief Organizer, on Incident in Las Vegas:

"Over the past year, ACORN has worked hard to help over 80,000 people in Clark County register to vote. As part of our nonpartisan voter registration program, we have [to] review all the applications submitted by our canvassers. When we have identified suspicious applications, we have separated them out and flagged them for election officials. We have zero tolerance for fraudulent registrations. We immediately dismiss employees we suspect of submitting fraudulent registrations.

For the past 10 months, any time ACORN has identified a potentially fraudulent application, we turn that application in to election officials separately and offer to provide election officials with the information they would need to pursue an investigation or prosecution of the individual.

Election officials routinely ignored this information and failed to act. In early July, ACORN asked to meet with election officials to express our concerns that they were not acting on information ACORN had presented to them. ACORN met with Clark County elections officials and a representative of the Secretary of State on July 17th. ACORN pleaded with them to take our concerns about fraudulent applications seriously. One week later, elections officials asked us to provide them with a second copy of what we had previously provided to them. ACORN responded by giving election officials copies of 46 "problem application packages," which involved 33 former canvassers.

On September 23, ACORN had received a subpoena dated September 19th requesting information on 15 employees, all of whom had been included in the packages we had previously submitted to election officials. ACORN provided our personnel records on these 15 employees on September 29.

Today's raid by the Secretary of State's Office is a stunt that serves no useful purpose other than discredit our work registering Nevadans and distracting us from the important work ahead of getting every eligible voter to the polls."


The Republican Party is trying to use this attack to stop early voting from happening and disenfranchise tens of thousands of Lake County residents.

ACORN has submitted 1.3 million applications nationally and over 23,000 in Indiana.

ACORN engages in comprehensive quality control procedures, every card is called through three times.

ACORN flags and turns in three kinds of cards, those that it can verify, those that are incomplete, and those that it flags as problematic. It turns those in labeled in a special way and are very conservative in terms of what it flags as problematic. It has stacks of problematic cover sheets.

The Lake County Board of Elections refused to acknowledge the categories of cards when ACORN turned them in, or sign its paperwork. The Lake County Board knew about the questionable registrations today because ACORN flagged them for the board. For example, the Jimmy John’s card is one that a caller had flagged and labeled as problematic. ACORN can get that caller to talk to the press.

ACORN did Voter Registration from in July and some parts of August. As it was doing quality control ACORN noticed a large number of problematic cards and because of this it eased doing registration until late September when it could clear its quality control backlog.

ACORN’s recent cards from September and early October are not problematic at the same levels.

Ohio Voters Being Raped by Republican Party NOW!

There is a HUGE difference between ELECTION fraud and VOTER fraud.

Republicans scream about voter fraud while practicing nationwide election fraud.

An example of VOTER fraud is allowing someone to register "Mickey Mouse" to vote. What are the chances Mickey will really show up at the polls and try to cast a ballot? Voter fraud occurs on an INDIVIDUAL basis when a cheater puts names on his registration list without really going out and finding qualified voters. He gets paid by the name, so he could profit a couple of dollars.

An example of ELECTION fraud is when the Republican Party preprograms a voting machine to change the actual vote cast by a voter to an unintended recipient of that vote. Instead of a few dollars paid to the cheater, TRILLIONS in no-bid, cost-plus contracts, deregulation of Wall Street, K-Street, lobbyists, the military industrial complex, appointments to the Supreme Court, U.S. Attorneys, and others hang in the balance.

In many states RIGHT NOW, when a voter casts a straight party line vote, the computer is programmed to count all votes cast EXCEPT THE TWO SLOTS AT THE TOP OF THE BALLOT.

Whose is to know? How do you tell after the fact? How is it done? EASY. All it takes is a little EPROM memory chip inside the machine. The chips come with preprogrammed instructions on how to count the vote. Sound familiar? It does to me! This is just what the Arizona Department of Public Safety and the City of Phoenix were engaged in with the computerized results of their DUI breath-testing machines. I reported that long ago here. After the count is taken from the machine, the EPROM is later replaced with one that does not cheat, and who is the wiser?
It took lawyers in Arizona years to figure out what the computers were doing to their DUI clients. Way too late after an election.

In Ohio, the Republicans want to purge 200,000 new voters registered since January 2008. In 2004, the Republicans in Ohio got away with it and George Bush was "re-elected."

Voter fraud is a crime. It is small potatoes and should be prosecuted.

ELECTION fraud is a felony and amounts to a coup d'etat, a bloodless revolution. Americans cannot stand another Republican coup d'etat. Fool us once, George, and apparently, we were stupid enough to be fooled again. It ain't going to happen a third time.

The guilty here are the Republicans. Screaming voter fraud, and accusing ACORN of trying to steal an election, when ACORN did absolutely NOTHING WRONG. It reported the registrations they suspected were fake, as required by the law. The Republicans seized on the reported fakes as evidence of ACORN corruption. The only corrupt players here are the GOP.

Meanwhile, while they scream voter fraud, they commit election fraud on a scale known only in Russia and third world countries, where they learned their trade well. The Republicans protest too much. When their lips move, they lie.

We need foreign observers this time around.

Iceland Example of Reaganomics Hell

The country of Iceland is bankrupt. It owes 60 BILION dollars and has a population of 300,000 people. Each Icelander is on the hook for about $200,000.00. That is six times the annual earnings of the country.

So what happened? What happened was that the whole country bought into Reaganomics, once termed "Voodoo Economics" by George Bush I. The country elected a completely conservative right-wing government and let the good times roll. Things looked great for a while. What's not to look good when you run up BILLIONS on the old credit card? At least for a while. Now the party is over, and Iceland serves as proof positive that Reagan's Voodoo Economics does not work.

Follow the link above to read the Alternet story on the whole economic disaster that be coming soon to a country near you.

Warren Buffet Says "Buy American" - He Is

Billionaire Warren Buffet has a simple rule he follows: "A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful." Follow the above link to read his predictions for the economy in the coming months and years.

Buffet is careful to state he cannot predict what the stock market will do. But he clearly said the market will rise before the rest of the economy. Those who wait to get onboard will miss the boat.

Read the story to get the benefit of his thinking.

Monday, October 20, 2008

James Bamford's Book About Bush Spying on Americans

James Bamford's new book: "The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA From 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America."

Bamford's new book strikes a nerve in Americans. Unfortunately, few will learn about it from the media.

The NSA was spying on Americans for two years before 911! Read and/or listen to Bamford's interview with Amy Goodman by clicking on the headline above. What you read should shock the senses. Felonies were committed, and no one seems to care.

Fortunately, someone in this country is not willing to accept the continuing felonies committed by the Bush Administration. Senator Patrick Leahy called for a full investigation into NSA spying on American military personnel, journalists, and other workers in Iraq.

President Richard Nixon was impeached, in part, because he spied on the Democratic Party. Meanwhile, President George W. Bush spied on all Americans, including the Democratic Party, and the press has been cowed into silence. In sharp contrast to the crimes committed by President Nixon, those of President Bush stand out like the Washington Monument above the Reflecting Pool.

John Dean was Nixon's lawyer during Watergate. He wrote a book, Worse Than Watergate." Dean paid close attention to the actions of President Bush, and he concluded Bush's crimes far exceed those of Nixon. And yet, Bush managed to avoid impeachment when it would have been the most righteous act anyone could have undertaken for America and the world. Bush even ADMITTED he violated the law. But he lied about who was really spied on. It turns out his people were spying on young military men and women calling loved ones at home. At least Dean recognizes impeachment when he sees it.

And the lies just keep on coming. At least 935 and counting.

Gas Prices Lowered for Elections

Gee? How dumb do they really think we are? Anyone notice the direct correlation of gas prices and election dates?

Just another obvious attempt to make you think things are not as bad as they really are. Guess when the prices will go back up? Give that man a cigar! Correcto-mundo! Right after the elections.

Looks like they are back to pump and circumstance.

Don't be fooled again.

Election Fraud in Full Swing NOW!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Greg Palast are doing their best to warn Democrats, Americans, and the world, that the election fraud mechanisms are in place and working just fine for the GOP. Their latest article warning all of us appears in RollingStone Magazine.

The two explain how the Republicans at the state level are purging voter rolls at unprecedented levels with the goal of stealing yet a third election. It is up to all of us to insure everyone gets to the polls to vote early to offset the crimes being committed by the GOP. Do not wait until election day. Vote early so any problems can be corrected before you are disenfranchised.


Read the article and email it to all in your address book.

America Our Choice Is Clear

The following post is not mine, but I wish it was.

"This is something that a friend of mine wrote to a little internet circle of lawyers and law professors... . He's a lifelong Republican and and world class over-achiever himself. After we asked him, he has consented to have this circulated without his name attached to it. It is already starting to get a pretty wide circulation, and I'm passing it on because I think he has identified something fundamentally wrong with the way people are thinking in this country today. Here it is:

"The more I think about the Palin "narrative" versus the Obama "elitism" the more depressed I get about what it implies about our country.

"On the one hand, we have a guy who is the equivalent of military nobility. His father was a four star admiral; his grandfather was a four star admiral. He did poorly in every school he ever attended, but moved along in his career as far as he did in no small part due to elite connections. He is anything but an entrepreneur, but he did marry a rich woman who keeps him up so well that he can't even remember how many houses they own.

"On the other hand, we have a guy whose grandfather on one side was a third world goatherder, and on the other side an American heartland farmer. He grew up in modest circumstances with no elite connections, but worked hard, got into some of the finest schools in the country, and used the springboard that gave him to make it to a nice standard of living on his own.

"Of the two, the one with the goatherder grandfather is somehow the elitist.

"But it's not "somehow." There is a how here. The how is that he attended and did well at demanding institutions.

"He is an achiever, and in today's Republican party those who achieve on their own are not "Horatio Alger stories;" they are "elitists." In today's populism, it's not elite birth or membership in the plutocracy that makes you an elitist. It is nothing other than competence and achievement.

"Selected to lead the attack on him is a woman who attended five mediocre colleges over six years, compiling a forgettable record even there. She has continued that same mediocrity in every facet of her life. That she is so flawed is precisely her appeal.

"We have always had mediocrities in public life; you just can't keep them out. We also have always had a Jacksonian strain that celebrates people from common origins who rise above early disadvantages and perform in a superlative manner.

"This is different. So far as I know, this is the first time that, in this country, being competent and good at what you do is considered a detriment. This is the first time that mediocrities are selected not despite being mediocre, but because they are mediocre.

"What all this tells me is that the problems of the past eight years run deeper than George W Bush. I no longer think he was an unfortunate accident. There is a narrative here, a narrative that penalizes being thoughtful and accomplished, and rewards those who do poorly.

"How we will compete in the world, against an ascending China and a resurgent Russia, when we pick people specifically because they are dopes escapes me."

Colin Powell Endorses Obama - Bitch Slaps Brokaw

Game over. Yesterday Colin Powell endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President. (Watch it) Powell waited through the lengthy primaries until the last two weeks of the campaign to make his opinions known.

As an American, first and foremost, this one is a no-brainer. It was over the day Senator McCain selected Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. What took you so long?

Meanwhile, the drug-addict, Rush Limbaugh, told his talk radio audience Powell's decision was 100% race based. So, Rush, why did Powell NOT endorse Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or Alan Keyes?