Sunday, March 28, 2010

SSRN-Why Senator John McCain Cannot Be President: Eleven Months and a Hundred Yards Short of Citizenship by Gabriel Chin

SSRN-Why Senator John McCain Cannot Be President: Eleven Months and a Hundred Yards Short of Citizenship by Gabriel Chin Every American Foreign Service Brat and Military Brat born anywhere overseas KNOWS they can never become President of the United State of America. It is the subject of fourth grade playground talk. And yet, the Admiral's son, married to millions, thought he was special. No se puede! Hey, Birthers! Where were your concerns when the WHITE GUY, who really WAS born overseas tried to become President. The sad thing is that the U.S. Supreme Court would have gone along with it had McCain won. I was a Foreign Service Brat and my wife was a Military Brat born on an American Air Base in Japan. She was told in the fourth grade she could not ever become President, and when I was in the fourth grade, I used to tell other American kids born abroad that they could never become President.

Birthers are nothing more than modern day KKK.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Arizona Drops Children’s Health Program -

Arizona Drops Children’s Health Program - There is a special place in hell reserved for Republicans.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre | Documentary Heaven :: Food For Your Brain | Free Online Documentaries

Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre | Documentary Heaven :: Food For Your Brain | Free Online Documentaries

When do the war crimes tribunals come for Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld?

Bush Cronyism - foxes guarding the henhous

Monday, March 1, 2010

AMERICAblog News: GOP Senators break record for filibusters