Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ohio Voters Being Raped by Republican Party NOW!

There is a HUGE difference between ELECTION fraud and VOTER fraud.

Republicans scream about voter fraud while practicing nationwide election fraud.

An example of VOTER fraud is allowing someone to register "Mickey Mouse" to vote. What are the chances Mickey will really show up at the polls and try to cast a ballot? Voter fraud occurs on an INDIVIDUAL basis when a cheater puts names on his registration list without really going out and finding qualified voters. He gets paid by the name, so he could profit a couple of dollars.

An example of ELECTION fraud is when the Republican Party preprograms a voting machine to change the actual vote cast by a voter to an unintended recipient of that vote. Instead of a few dollars paid to the cheater, TRILLIONS in no-bid, cost-plus contracts, deregulation of Wall Street, K-Street, lobbyists, the military industrial complex, appointments to the Supreme Court, U.S. Attorneys, and others hang in the balance.

In many states RIGHT NOW, when a voter casts a straight party line vote, the computer is programmed to count all votes cast EXCEPT THE TWO SLOTS AT THE TOP OF THE BALLOT.

Whose is to know? How do you tell after the fact? How is it done? EASY. All it takes is a little EPROM memory chip inside the machine. The chips come with preprogrammed instructions on how to count the vote. Sound familiar? It does to me! This is just what the Arizona Department of Public Safety and the City of Phoenix were engaged in with the computerized results of their DUI breath-testing machines. I reported that long ago here. After the count is taken from the machine, the EPROM is later replaced with one that does not cheat, and who is the wiser?
It took lawyers in Arizona years to figure out what the computers were doing to their DUI clients. Way too late after an election.

In Ohio, the Republicans want to purge 200,000 new voters registered since January 2008. In 2004, the Republicans in Ohio got away with it and George Bush was "re-elected."

Voter fraud is a crime. It is small potatoes and should be prosecuted.

ELECTION fraud is a felony and amounts to a coup d'etat, a bloodless revolution. Americans cannot stand another Republican coup d'etat. Fool us once, George, and apparently, we were stupid enough to be fooled again. It ain't going to happen a third time.

The guilty here are the Republicans. Screaming voter fraud, and accusing ACORN of trying to steal an election, when ACORN did absolutely NOTHING WRONG. It reported the registrations they suspected were fake, as required by the law. The Republicans seized on the reported fakes as evidence of ACORN corruption. The only corrupt players here are the GOP.

Meanwhile, while they scream voter fraud, they commit election fraud on a scale known only in Russia and third world countries, where they learned their trade well. The Republicans protest too much. When their lips move, they lie.

We need foreign observers this time around.


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