Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Republican ELECTION Fraud Underway

Election fraud across the nation is underway. Read the above linked article and see what can still be done about it. The swing states are particularly at risk.

Fight back and forward the linked story to all of your friends and relatives. Do not let Republicans get away with these crimes again.

In 2004 over 2.7 million voters voted and their ballots were thrown out. Go to stealbackyourvote.org and download the comic book put together by Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Greg Palast to see what you can do about it.

How much longer before people react?

The liberal corporate owned media is not reporting it.

Instead, they are preparing the public for the coup d'etat by talking about the non-existent Bradley Effect so they will have a publically acceptable explanation for the difference between the exit polls showing an Obama win, and the computerized voting machines programmed to steal yet a THIRD election.

How long before there is significant push-back? The time is now. Forward this article to all of your friends and family so they recognize what happened.

Senator Obama said there is no Bradley Effect. He is correct.

In order for such an effect to exist, it must result by definition from Democratic voters who refuse to vote for Obama. Ain't gonna happen, people! No white male Democrats will jump ship in favor of the weakest presidential ticket of all time.


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