Wall Street Spent $300 Million on Lobbying Senators and Representatives in 2009
Wall Street bonuses today total $140 billion. That is billion, not million. In contrast, the entire country of Greece, ruined by the fraud committed by Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms, merely needs $60 billion to rebound from the disaster caused by the Bush Depression. Normally, when criminals cause financial loss to the victims, they are required to pay restitution. It is mandatory. All financial conglomerates who participated in this fraud on the world should be required to forfeit all profits, all property of their officers, and any other property they own under the names of family members, relatives, or in trust.
The people gave the Fed $2 trillion to bail out Wall Street. However, the Fed refuses to even name those firms that received the bailout funds, and refuse to give any accounting for the American people's money.
Even after the Bush Depression, Wall Street still owns 35% of all profits made in the United States in 2009. Prior to the depression, and it is a depression, Wall Street's percentage of this nation's profits will be well above 40%.
Senator Kit Bond, a Republican from Missouri, is a bought and paid for whore for Wall Street masquerading as a United States Senator, as are all Republican senators today, including Ben Nelson, a Democrat from Nebraska. These persons deserve your utter contempt because they forgot who pays them. On second thought, they know who pays them, and they vote accordingly. Throw these sons of bitches out of office, put a pox on their houses, and a curse on their families.
The Republican Organized Crime Family is robbing the world blind. If you vote Republican again in your lifetime, you are aiding and abetting their fraud. You are an accomplice, and you deserve to go to prison with them. What is needed in America is an investigation of the Republican Organized Crime Family that mirrors the investigation and prosecution of the Mafia in this country. Grand juries and indictments.